Sunday, January 6, 2013

How Bad Do You Want It

everyone has a dream, or had one. many have given up on them, let them go, or tried to bury/forget them. some, very few, however, chase their dreams. it's nearly always a long, devastating and brutal road. it never comes easy. sacrifices will be made. tears will be shed. relationships will be made, lost, strengthened and destroyed. it will NOT be easy. 
4 years ago, i was at a point in my life where i was contemplating what it was i "wanted to do with my life". did i want to finish school? work in the music industry? perform music? start a business? get a 9-5 and make some money... then i was asked a question. a very simple question. "what would you do in life, if you were guaranteed not to fail at it?" i immediately answered "play drums". this meant devoting my life to pursuing this dream. this meant skipping weekend parties, playing every chance i got, spending money on equipment instead of beers or cars or clothes, it meant missing time with family, leaving behind relationships and friends... this was it. i was going after it. this was 4 years ago. i now play drums full-time in a "successful" rock band. this, to many, would be a success. it's not good enough for me. there's still too much more to accomplish. so far up to still climb. this past week in the studio has taught me more about drumming than the past year. i've learned how far i am from where i need to be. from where i WANT to be. more practice. more studying, notes, practice, listening, learning, PRACTICE. i want to be the best. you never stop being a student. and as long as you remember that, you remain open, eager and driven, NOTHING can stop you. don't let anyone else tell you what you can and can't do. you can do whatever you set your mind to. but i warn you - it will be beyond "hard". it will seem impossible more times than not. you will shed tears and maybe even blood. others will hate you for your decision. people will think you're crazy and selfish. those people are jealous. they didn't achieve their dreams. they probably never even tried... be different. be better. be unique. be YOU. work hard and have fun, so that when you look back on your life, you'll know that you took every chance to laugh, learn, love and live.

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