Sunday, December 23, 2012

Take the leap

i was told at a very young age how important it is to set goals for yourself. mentally, written out, however you prefer, but set goals and work for them. as i get older, i realize my dreams are based entirely around my goals.they're one in the same, and i can't help but notice how much and how often they change. as i grow and change and learn, life sends me spiraling down winding, infinite roads that seem to never end. i'm ok with this. i've accepted and even embraced that life is a journey and not a destination. that i should enjoy and learn from whatever life offers me. i've learned that if i'm ever unhappy with something in life, if there's a problem - it's me. i control your happiness, my success, my life.
in order to taste success, find happiness and experience true achievement, risks must be taken. risks and change are scary, but i thrive on this. everyone is different and everyone handles stresses differently. i thrive in high pressure scenarios. i perform best in times of dire need. when success is imperative. others may panic, back down, or never even take a risk. they just sit and wallow in their own sadness, filling their heads with "what-ifs" and "could be's"of negative outcomes that don't exist. if you think negatively, and dream negatively, then you live a negative life and you'll never do anything. you can't do if you don't try. i don't expect everyone to sell everything they own and leave tomorrow, but start small. take control of your life, of your own happiness. live life without regrets. take that leap. sit back, research, make a plan if you're a planner, but then - after all that, CHASE YOUR DREAMS. i can't emphasize enough how much happiness is internal. dream impossible. work hard to achieve those dreams. no matter what anyone else thinks. if that's what you want, then do it. it's the holidays. spread some love. and hold/call/visit your loved ones. a strong support group is key to chasing dreams, there will be lots of hard times. dig in and get ready. it's worth it in the end. take the leap, and during this journey of life, remember to laugh, learn, love and LIVE. 

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