today has been great already. i'm in a steady rhythm of my day to day, which i like. i love waking up regardless of where i am and having a productive start. wake up early, morning shake, morning cardio, breakfast, shower, then whatever i may have planned for the day. usually, this consists of email, twitter, facebook, PM workout, drumming, reading, walks around whatever city i'm in and of course, listening to music. today happened to be a beautiful 5mi run to lake michigan and the adler planetarium. such a view... listening to music helps reinforce a great lesson that i am a firmly believer of - keep an open mind... about everything/everyone. i love music of ALL genres (obviously i don't LOVE every artist). it all depends on my mood at that exact minute. this is a great way to view life too. i like to keep an open mind about people. color, race, religion, background, financial situation, those things don't define you. they may have a major influence on who you are, but i always like to at least find out. people are interesting. every one has such a unique and special story. i love it.
i apply this same open mind to food. i'll try anything at LEAST once, and i mean anything. craziest thing i've ever eat... probably the Filipino delicacy, beluit. (google THAT). i apply this thought to beers, new cars, new places, cities, bands... whatever i come across. TRY IT. give it a chance. doesn't mean you like it, but what IF you do. this theory kind of brought me to the thought of finding things you don't like which lead me to the idea of making mistakes. i think it's truly important to remember that EVERYone makes mistakes, and it's ok to, as long as you learn from them. this also ties in with losing, it's ok to lose or "fail" as long as you work harder, get better, and come back again even stronger! take a second to try some new things, keep an open mind, make mistakes and always remember that life is always better when you laugh, learn, love, and live it. much love.
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