Everyday we pass by strangers. People we've never seen before and will probably never see again. Walking, jogging, shopping, driving, strangers are everywhere. Many of times I've been with friends (usually male) and they make comments about strangers similar to "what are you staring at?" These comments are rhetorical and are actually only spoken to themselves, however, there's a certain anger in their tone when reciting these words. This has always been a bit puzzling to me for various reasons; in order to see someone looking at you, you mustlook at them as well, also, people tend to look/stare at things their attracted to (not necessarily sexually) which is complementary, and WHO CARES of someone is looking at you? With this in mind, if like to suggest another approach. The next time you pass by a stranger and exchange eye contact, try smiling. You don't have to hi-five and exchange numbers, but just simply smile. Not only will you feel warm and good about yourself, you'll force the other person to smile as well. It's like spreading happiness to someone else's day, as well as your own. No conversation needs to happen, and it doesn't need to be a long, drawn out event. Just a smile. Feel good, feel happy and spread those feelings. The more happiness and love in the world the better.
This suggestion is just that, one very small gesture that can be done daily to improve overall happiness and feel good energy. There's so many other things we overlook that provide similar results; holding the door for someone, opening the door for others, letting someone with fewer items cut in line at the store... Slow down and think about your actions and your options. Too often we're in such a pointless hurry, we are inconsiderate and even rude. Life is meant to be enjoyed and appreciated. Slow down. Appreciate your company and surroundings. Living your life happy and positive can have an amazing effect on your attitude, outlook and career. Remind yourself to enjoy the small things. Be the person your grandma would be proud to see, helping others, being polite and putting a others first. Just a suggestion, life is so much better when we Laugh, Learn, Love and Live.
Josh, that smile you suggest may very well turn the tide for someone whose day is total crap and needs just one person to offer a genuine act of kindness. Thank you for planting seeds of wisdom within all of us and know they will flourish, taking hold with strong roots.