The past 4wks have been a whirlwind. I've gone from Halifax to Vancouver BC, to London, to Sweden. It's the kind of month people dream to live. A life if travel and experiences, playing music, meeting amazing and weird people... But it also has really made me step back and appreciate what I have at "home". I've had the privilege of seeing, eating, drinking, and doing a LOT of unique things. I strive to indulge myself into whatever new and different culture I can. Canada was vast and beautiful. Scenic rides through wilderness, the historical and French influenced Montreal to the very modern and young Vancouver. It's was a truly amazing experience. However, the cost of living is more, I couldn't use my phone (aside from wifi when available) and from a band standpoint we were entirely new. We were basically a baby band. Openers. It was an experience allowing me to appreciate all that I have back in the states.
Landing in London and then continuing on to Sweden, it's been a similar experience. Extremely expensive, no one knows myself or the band, no phone, and not even a phone plug as we need converters. I'm by no means complaining about these opportunities I've been given, just stating what it's helped me learn and appreciate. It really shows you what you have back at home, and in some cases, maybe don't have. There's obvious pros and cons to every new experience. This ha been such an awesome opportunity and I hope to be blessed with many more!
Travel is so exciting on so many leeks. It helps us appreciate what we have, it shows us some things we're missing out on, it presents new food and cultural opportunities, and the amount of history and architecture and art... I could go on for days.
I guess a few good things to keep in mind from this is if you have an opportunity to experience something new, try it! Places, people, things, don't limit yourself to the norm. The knowledge and experience you can take away from new things is unparalleled when taken advantage of. Lose yourself. Enjoy yourself. Try sushi. Go see a jazz band. Wear a scarf. Eat ice cream for breakfast. We only live one life. Don't get so wrapped up in what you're supposed to do that you miss out on what you want to do or could do.
So take a second to yourself, look at what surrounds you, what you have in your life: people, things, technology, health... Be thankful for what you've been given and what you've earned. A little thing like no cell phone for a day sounds trivial, but I don't see my loved ones for months at a time... A day of no phone is an eternity. Just a reminder. Love what you have and take chances. Enjoy yourself, that's what this month has taught me. Life is short. It's full of ups and downs. I'm crazy jet-lagged so I hope this all ties together and makes sense. Haha. Have a great day, and always remember to Laugh, Learn, Love and Live.
I love how motivational and upbeat you are. I want you to know that you influence and impact more people than you know.